The Challenge:

The Enjoy Life Team was looking for ways to increase consumer engagement on their social media channels to help create a sense of community and foster connections and relationships among their audience.

The Solution:

By fostering a community through Enjoy Life social media channels, I built an Influencer and Ambassador program from the ground up to help increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, drive sales, and increase engagement. Using these advocates provided us with original content, tapped into their existing audience, and generated buzz around the Enjoy Life brand.

The Results:

The Influencer Marketing Program helped us build credibility and increased engagement. 
In 2022:
We received 110 pieces of original content.
Facebook garnered 318,113 organic link clicks + 248.3% YoY.
Facebook garnered 431,163 organic engagements +231.4% YoY.
Instagram garnered 129,157 organic engagements. +178% YoY.